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ViaTV Videophones: Real Stories

Children's Hospital Patients See Santa in his North Pole Workshop

Sick Child on Phone Santa Claus on TV

Trying to make the Christmas season brighter for youngsters staying in All Children's Hospital in Tampa, Florida, GTE donated a couple of 8x8 ViaTV Phones. The gift enabled hospitalized kids to videoconference with Santa Claus at the North Pole.

8x8 assisted in the videoconferencing event by constructing a "North Pole" cubicle in its Santa Clara, CA head office and hiring an actor to play the jolly old man.

Santa Claus on TV

Sick Child in Bed

This holiday story was covered by the Tampa news media. Images seen here were captured from Tampa's CBS affiliate, Channel 10, evening news program. Their report stated that this was the first time Santa had videoconferenced at the hospital and "doctors and nurses said the experiment was a huge success."

This is another example of how 8x8's ViaTV Phones are enriching lives. You don't need a computer, just your television and your telephone to videoconference with friends, loved ones and maybe even elves.